Courtmacsherry Coxswain retires
Neil and Mandy Chapman were invited to celebrate the retirement of Dan O'dwyer, Coxswain of the Courtmacsherry Lifeboat.
Dan and the crew of the Courtmacsherry lifeboat received a bronze medal for the rescue of Neil and Mandy and their cousin Deni aboard the 42' ketch Supertaff in storm conditions 25 miles south of the Old Head of Kinsale in October 1998.
The Bronze medal for bravery was the highlight of a career that spanned 30 years with the Lifeboats. Over a 100 people attended a presentation at the Lifeboat Station in Courtmacsherry followed by a big party in the popular Lifeboat Inn.
Neil and Mandy joined the celebrations and were welcomed with typical Irish hospitality. Neil said "It was great to reminisce with Dan about the night of the rescue over a few glasses of Guinness"
The ketch "Supertaff" was rolled 360 degrees after a 7 day passage to Spain had to be abandoned due to continued bad weather, the boat was heading back to Ireland when the weather got worse and conditions at the scene included wind speeds of 90 knots and seas from 11 to 14 meters.
"I remember how calm Dan was about the whole affair and the transfer from Supertaff to Lifeboat using the liferaft went like clockwork" said Neil
"It was a great to see all the crew and all the supporters of the Lifeboat and witness the enthusiasm and support that everyone has for Dan and the RNLI in Courtmacsherry."