Pipe Dream Transpac Day 11
It's really a thrill to have you along for the ride.
Today as been pretty normal, you know how it is.
Just sailing along in the sunshine and 12 kts of breeze.
Tony (Magellan) Chapman and Scott (Cookie)Smith are on deck trying to get
a noon sight with the sextool, I mean SEXTANT.
Yesterday's was actually spot-on. Unfortunately we had a difficult night with rain squalls rolling over us one after the next.
One minute we've got wind from the North and the next minute it's coming from the South. Again we had the spinnaker wrapped around the forestay and had to take it halfway down to get it clear.
Team Lani to the rescue. Of course this is in the rain and the dark. It's challenging and frustrating, but also fun and exciting.
Apparently the sleep deprivation finally got to Joe (gojo) Martony He failed to budge after several verses of "Hey Joe" by John and Tony (sounding nothing like Jimi Hendrix) That's OK...Leilani had been neglected for the whole race.
This is such an eclectic trip it's hard to describe. For instance last night after getting knocked around by a rain squall we saw a moon-bow. The yin and yang.
We stayed the course pretty well until last night, then we fell into our old ways. (zig-zag) These squalls are confusing. Now we're back on track and tying to catch up...as usual.
After challenging Willow Wind to a match race (for Mai-tais)to the dock on Tuesday we found we were 1122 miles away and they were 1121. After Wednesday's roll-call we were closer by 25 miles, This morning we were only 3 miles ahead of them...Pray for wind.
We loaded everything in the back of the boat, and in 20 kts of wind with the pole back we surf over 10 kts. What a rush. As I write this the on-deck crew is watching another squall coming our way.
At least it's daytime and we'll be able to see how we're getting our butts kicked.
Maybe the squall has the 20 kts we're looking for.
Another boring day in paradise.
Skipper John