Trilleen - Sailing around Britain Update
Ian Wyllie, who bought a boat via Boatshed IOW in February 2021 is taking on the challenge of sailing around Britain single handed. Here is his latest update:

Ian and Trilleen left Plymouth on 26th August heading towards Falmouth. The winds were light, but due to increase throughout the day which meant he had a frustrating couple of hours drift sailing around Eddystone Lighthouse. He arrived at St Anthony's Head in the early hours of the morning and soon crashed out on his bunk!
A drift past Eddystone to Falmouth

After a couple of days rest, Ian set off on 29th August for Kinsale, Ireland. This would be the biggest passage that Ian and Trilleen had completed so far. He travelled North of the Scillies and passed through the Traffic Separation Scheme with ease. Kinsale Harbour has a beautifully lit approach, and at 0300 in the morning when he started his approach, that was very welcome!
From Falmouth to Kinsale: The Celtic Sea
Want to find out more?
You can follow Ian and his trip at SailingTrilleen.org once stopovers are confirmed, they will be updating the website.
If you'd like to donate to the Andrew Cassell Foundation this can also be done via the website. All funds go directly to the the Foundation.
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