It’s an exciting new era as RYA iBooks accelerate growth in the iBook Store!

The conversion of a range of RYA eBooks into iBooks has improved the availability, accessibility and convenience of the RYA’s eBook titles.

Reflowable text, search options, book-marking and enhanced digital content are just some of the features that the new RYA iBooks offer.

There are currently 29 new iBook titles available, with more being added all the time. And with sales doubling month on month, RYA iBooks are fast becoming a highly popular reading platform.

The top 5 RYA eBook titles

1 VHF Handbook (E-G31)

2 Navigation Handbook (E-G6)

3 Yachtmaster Handbook (E-G70)

4 Competent Crew Handbook (E-CCPCN)

5 Day Skipper Shore Based Notes (E-DSN)

RYA eBooks have been sold in over 100 countries worldwide. Though relatively new to the market, RYA iBooks appear to be following suit with digital downloads in 20 countries overseas (mainly UK and Europe) but also in the USA, Asia, Australia, and South America.

Top 5 countries for eBook sales:

1 UK

2 Australia

3 South Africa

4 US

5 German


For more information, see below:



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